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Frequently Asked Questions

At the South Staffordshire Business Hub we endeavour to answer all of your enquiries as quickly as possible. To help you find the answer you are looking for we have put together a list of our most common FAQs below. However, if you can’t find the answer you are looking for, simply contact us and we’ll be happy to help.

What if you are not offering what I am looking for?

We are keen to develop products and services that are going to help businesses prosper, so if you think something is missing, please let us know. We will be happy to hear from you.

What happens when my business expands and I need additional office accommodation?

We have a number of options available that can meet your business needs, so please discuss this with us when the situation arises.

I already pay business rates to South Staffordshire Council. Why am I being asked to pay for extra services?

Non-Domestic rates, or business rates, collected by local authorities apply to anyone who occupies a non-domestic property. These rates contribute towards the cost of local services.

Under the business rates retention arrangements introduced on 1st April 2013, local authorities now keep a proportion of the business rates paid locally. This provides a direct financial incentive for authorities to work with local businesses to create a favourable local environment for growth.

As the services and activities provided through the business hub are not statutory, business rates income cannot be used to fund them.

Do the prices include VAT?

The prices shown in your packs exclude VAT. VAT will be added at 20%.

If I want to attract more funds to my business, what support is available to me?

South Staffordshire Council do not have direct funding opportunities, however, there are many schemes available to local businesses.

How do I get in touch to find out more information?

You can either call us on 01902 696124 or email us at where a member of our team will be happy to help with your enquiry.

Details of the organisations listed is for general information purposes only. South Staffordshire Council (inclusive of any of its Contact Centre staff) does not in any way endorse, recommend or accept any responsibility or liability for the suitability, reliability  or availability of the services that you may decide to procure from these organisations.  You acknowledge that your decision to use the services of any of the listed organisations has not been influenced by the  Council or by any discussions with its Contact Centre staff and also acknowledge that any contractual relationship formed will be solely between you and your chosen organisation.